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Traylor Lovvorn

Executive Director, Undone Redone Life and Recovery Coach, speaker, founder of EMBARK Men's Recovery Intensive, co-host of the Undone Redone podcast, founder of Route1520 recovery groups, and story featured in the Heart of Man movie.

About this speaker

Tray had been married for 11 years when Tray’s secret struggle with pornography and sexual sin ripped their family apart. After 6 years of divorce, God brought about a miraculous restoration and they reconciled and remarried. Discovering that true healing is found on the other side of pain, Tray has a passion to help men experience God’s grace in brokenness and to learn to connect deeply with others in an authentic community. Through Undone Redone, his ministry and weekly podcast that he does with his wife Melody, he provides life and marriage coaching, intensives, parenting solutions, and helps churches create Christ-centered recovery groups.

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Small-Group Coaching for Betrayal & Infidelity Group Coaching is an inner circle of women who work through a 10-week coaching program that helps a woman move through the healing process at a quicker pace. This coaching program has no more than 10 ladies in it and provides encouragement, accountability, a 90-minute weekly group call, and daily communication so that you are not alone and can move through the betrayal and heal. This is only open 4 times a year so join this now at 50% for Summit Attendees. Click the link below and use code "50RECOVER"


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Our Marriage and Divorce Didn't Work Out (But Remarrying Each Other Did)

May 14, 2021, 11:00 PM
Traylor Lovvorn Melody Lovvorn