Richard Butler CPM, CPC, NLP, PGCE, BSc (Hons)
Certified Professional Coach & Professional Mentor, The Naked Truth Project APSATS Certified Coach. ICF Certified Coach. Bravehearts Certified Mentor. NLP Practitioner. AASAT trained in IA and SA. Trained and Experienced in Disclosures and mentoring men recovering from PSB.
About this speaker
Richard uses his first-hand experience of the challenges of healing from PSB, professional knowledge, and skills to support men seeking sobriety, recovery, healing, and freedom. He works with his wife, Fran Hopwood, on formal disclosures.
Exclusive Offers
Register for this Event to unlock these exclusive offers.
FREE half-hour consultation – disclosure or any other recovery topic
If you and your partner have questions on disclosure or any other area of recovery, Dr. Fran Hopwood is offering 5 free half-hour consultations. Please contact Dr. Hopwood via her website and the first 5 people to request the consultation will be selected for this offer. Please reference that you found this offer at the Renew Summit.
FREE half-hour consultation – disclosure or any other recovery topic If you and your partner have questions on disclosure or any other area of recovery, Dr. Fran Hopwood is offering 5 free half-hour consultations. Please contact Dr. Hopwood via her website and the first 5 people to request the consultation will be selected for this offer. Please reference that you found this offer at the Renew Summit.
Porn and the Pandemic
Porn and the Pandemic